To pay by CREDIT CARD:
Enter the AMOUNT INVOICED and the ORDER ID from your invoice to the right on this page and click the arrow.
To access your ORDER ID, from your dashboard, go under the “purchases tab”. If you do not see your invoice there, click on “Edit/View Agency” on the right side of the screen and then click on the agency’s “Purchases Tab” to view, pay and/or download your invoice.
To pay by EFT/ACH:
Truist Financial Corp.
Checking account Number 000002181193
Routing 055002707
Swift Code BRBTUS33
To pay by CHECK:
Please print your invoice and send it with your check to
National WIC Association
1099 14th St NW, Ste 510
Washington, DC 20005
If possible, please include the invoice number and agency name on the check.
Please do not staple or tape your check to another document.
To access your PAID INVOICE:
Enter the ORDER ID from your invoice to the right on this page and click the arrow.
To access your ORDER ID, from your dashboard, go under the “purchases tab”. If you do not see your invoice there, click on “Edit/View Agency” on the right side of the screen and then click on the agency’s “Purchases Tab” to see your invoice.
If you have any questions about payments, please contact [email protected].
To pay online using a credit card, please enter the total Amount Invoiced and the Order ID as printed on the invoice.