National WIC Association

Request for Proposals (RFPs)

AHEAD 2.0 IBCLC Subgrants

This opportunity aims for NWA to provide subgrant funds to State or Local WIC Agencies seeking to address racial inequities in lactation care and support within their Agency. The State and Local WIC Agencies will utilize the subgrants to fund scholarships for their Black and Indigenous staff in completing the requirements needed to apply for and sit the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) exam. This funding round is dedicated to supporting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) applicants.


AHEAD 2.0 Dietetic Subgrants

This opportunity aims for NWA to provide subgrant opportunities to State or Local WIC Agencies to address racial inequities in nutrition education and support the credentialing of WIC staff who identify as a member of an underserved, underrepresented, marginalized community (e.g., Black, Indigenous, Person of Color). The State and Local WIC Agencies will utilize the subgrants to fund scholarships for the sub-grant recipient(s) to complete the requirements to apply for and sit the Registered Dietitian examination.