National WIC Association

June 22, 2023

Senate Shows Steadfast Commitment to WIC Families in Markup Process

National WIC Association: Contrasting sharply with the reckless path pursued last week by the House Republicans, the Senate has stepped up to place the well-being of our nation's mothers and children front and center. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Senate Committee on Appropriations unveiled the first two fiscal year 2024 appropriations bills. The bill fully funds the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) based on levels proposed initially in President Biden’s 2024 budget and funding levels agreed to as a result of the debt ceiling deal reached earlier this month. This proposed bill stands in contrast to the legislation advanced by the House Republicans last week that slashed benefits for more than 5 million toddlers, pregnant women, and new moms to align with significantly lower toplines than what was agreed to in the debt ceiling deal.

The following statement is attributed to Dr. Jamila Taylor, President & CEO of the National WIC Association:

“Contrasting sharply with the reckless path pursued last week by the House Republicans, the Senate has stepped up to place the well-being of our nation's mothers and children front and center. We applaud the Senate Appropriations Committee's decision to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with over six million participants in the WIC program who require champions at every level of government.

“The House's decision to stray from the funding levels agreed to within the debt ceiling deal is a deep betrayal of trust that puts American families at risk. Specifically, the irresponsible path pursued by House Republicans will have real consequences, leaving parents with fewer resources to put healthy foods on the table for their children. The Senate's commitment to prevent such harm is laudable. We are particularly encouraged by Chair Heinrich's remarks to monitor growing participation in the coming months and ensure that any final agreement provides enough funding to maintain access to WIC for eligible families and the program's current science-based food benefits.

“We commend the Senate's unwavering commitment to America's families. Most notably, we thank Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) and Vice Chair Susan Collins (R-ME) of the Appropriations Committee and Chair Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Ranking Member John Hoeven (R-ND) of the Agriculture/FDA Appropriations Subcommittee for their on-going, bipartisan support.

“Today, we are not just discussing numbers; we consider the health and future of our nation. Let us continue on this path while never losing sight of the human lives that hang in the balance.”