Explore Partnership Opportunities

The National WIC Association invites businesses and nonprofit organizations that share our mission, vision, and guiding principles for health equity to partner with us and/or to become a sponsor. WIC is the nation’s premier public health nutrition program and NWA recognizes that public and private partnerships have the potential to accomplish far more for WIC families when organizations work together. A partnership with NWA will increase your company or organization’s visibility, provide networking and engagement opportunities, and help you meet your company’s business and corporate responsibility goals.
Please note:
- NWA no longer invites infant formula manufacturers to be members, exhibitors at conferences, advertisers, or sponsors of events and activities. Please see our Statement on Progress Towards the Gold Standard for more information on how NWA works on helping WIC to reach the Gold Standard and make WIC the nation’s Premier Go-To-Breastfeeding Program.
- All partners are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct upon joining or renewing a partnership with NWA.
Ready to join as a Partner? Click here!
Ready to Renew your Partnership? Follow these simple steps:
Login as the Primary User (or a “liaison”) on the account
Under “Member ID,” click on “Renew 2025 Membership”. If you would like to upgrade or change your partnership tier level, simply select the preferred level and complete the process.
If you need to make other updates to your account, please follow these steps:
To remove staff no longer on your account, login as a Primary user on the account, click “Edit Agency”, then “Linked People” and click “remove” to the right of the users' names.
To add staff members, please ask each staff member to create an account here and choose your company/organization in STEP 1. If a staff member needs to have higher level administrative privileges on the account (such as being able to edit the company information) or should be a billing contact, please email [email protected] with that request.
Partnership Tiers
Business Council Partner
Dues—$25,000 or more annually
- Regular updates on developments in the WIC program via E-Subscriptions for all company staff to Partner Newsletters, Monday Update, Association Updates, CIP-WIC Newsletters, Washington Update, Legislative Alert, and WIC Research to Practice newsletters;
- First access to conference prospectuses.
- A complimentary standard exhibit booth for company staff with 2 complimentary exhibit hall floor badges at all NWA conferences with exhibit halls. (Standard exhibit booths are confirmed based on submitted exhibitor applications and availability.)
- Two complimentary full registrations of company staff for all NWA conferences - including virtual conferences; discounts on additional full conference registrations;
- Recognition in NWA’s Conference Materials;
- Multiple Touch Points with NWA's Leadership Team and Board members; to include receptions at conferences, participation in an annual NWA Board Meeting/Business Council Partners Reception, and 1-2 virtual meetings per year with NWA Leadership;
- Recognition on the NWA Business Council Partners page on the NWA website, to include company/organization logo and description, and link to your company/organization's website;
- Inclusion of one (1) WIC Contact on NWA’s Partner Contacts List, to be posted on the NWA Partnership Page and on the Member Online Community for WIC staff access.
- One Webinar Sponsorship*;
- One BCP Spotlight in NWA’s Monday Update or Online Member Community feed annually – opportunity to write 200-300 words on your company.**
*First come, first served slots available. Parameters apply and review process required.
**Prompt question(s) supplied by NWA and subject to review by NWA*;
Supporting Partner
Dues—$7,500 annually
- Regular updates on developments in the WIC program via E-Subscriptions for all company staff to Partner Newsletters, Monday Update, Association Updates, CIP-WIC Newsletters, Washington Update, Legislative Alert, and WIC Research to Practice newsletters;
- Early partner access to conference prospectuses;
- 50% off the partner rate for standard exhibit booths at all NWA conferences with exhibit halls; (Standard exhibit booths are confirmed based on submitted exhibitor applications and availability.)
- One complimentary full registration for company staff for all NWA conferences with exhibit halls – including virtual conferences;
- One complimentary exhibit floor badge for company staff for all NWA conferences with exhibit halls; must have a booth secured in order to use this benefit;
- Recognition in NWA’s Conference Materials;
- Recognition on the NWA website and hyperlink to the company/organization's website;
- Inclusion of one (1) WIC Contact on NWA’s Partner Contacts List, to be posted on the NWA Partnership Page and on the Member Online Community for WIC staff access.
- One Partner Spotlight Opportunity in NWA’s Monday Update annually – opportunity to write 100 words*
*Prompt question(s) supplied by NWA and subject to review by NWA*;
Associate Partner
Dues—$3,000 Annually
- Regular updates on developments in the WIC program via E-Subscriptions for all company staff to Partner Newsletters, Monday Update, Association Updates, CIP-WIC Newsletters, Washington Update, Legislative Alert, and WIC Research to Practice newsletters;
- Early partner access to conference prospectuses;
- Partner rate for standard exhibit booths at all NWA conferences with exhibit halls;
- One complimentary full registration for company staff for one NWA conference per year; discounts on additional full conference registrations;
- Recognition in NWA’s Conference Materials;
- Recognition on the NWA website and hyperlink to the company/organization's website;
- Inclusion of one (1) WIC Contact on NWA’s Partner Contacts List, to be posted on the NWA Partnership Page and on the Member Online Community for WIC staff access.
Small Business/Nonprofit Organization* Partner
Dues—$500 - $2,500 Annually
- $500 – 0-10 employees
- $1000 – 11-25 employees
- $2000 – 26-50 employees
- $2500 – 51-150 employees
- Regular updates on developments in the WIC program via E-Subscriptions for all company staff to Partner Newsletters, Monday Update, Association Updates, CIP-WIC Newsletters, Washington Update, Legislative Alert, and WIC Research to Practice newsletters;
- Early partner access to conference prospectuses;
- Partner rate for standard exhibit booths at all NWA conferences with exhibit halls;
- Discounts on full conference registrations;
- Recognition in NWA’s Conference Materials;
- Recognition on the NWA website and hyperlink to the company/organization's website;
- Inclusion of one (1) WIC Contact on NWA’s Partner Contacts List, to be posted on the NWA Partnership Page and on the Member Online Community for WIC staff access;
*Small Businesses and Nonprofits are welcome to join at any partner rate for additional benefits, including the Business Council.
State WIC Association Partner
Dues—$250 annually
- Regular updates on developments in the WIC program via E-Subscriptions for all company staff to Partner Newsletters, Monday Update, Association Updates, CIP-WIC Newsletters, Washington Update, Legislative Alert, and WIC Research to Practice newsletters;
- Early partner access to conference prospectuses;
- Invitation to NWA’s State/Local WIC Association Working Group meetings and Online Community Group to connect with WIC association peers;
- Partner rate for standard exhibit booths at all NWA conferences with exhibit halls;
- Complimentary standard booth at NWA Conferences held within your state.
- Recognition in NWA’s Conference Materials;
- Recognition on the NWA website and hyperlink to the association's website.
Ready to join as a Partner? Click here!
Ready to Renew your Partnership? Follow these simple steps:
Login as the Primary User (or a “liaison”) on the account
Under “Member ID,” click on “Renew 2025 Membership”. If you would like to upgrade or change your partnership tier level, simply select the preferred level and complete the process.
If you need to make other updates to your account, please follow these steps:
To remove staff no longer on your account, login as a Primary user on the account, click “Edit Agency”, then “Linked People” and click “remove” to the right of the users' names.
To add staff members, please ask each staff member to create an account here and choose your company/organization in STEP 1. If a staff member needs to have higher level administrative privileges on the account (such as being able to edit the company information) or should be a billing contact, please email [email protected] with that request.
Questions? Email us at [email protected].